The Saturday PM is a ministry of CITAM Valleyroad, where we have expositional teaching of the Word and go through the Bible, chapter by chapter, book by book. By systematic in-depth exposition of the Word, we are confident that as believers we will gain the full counsel of the Word of God.

 When Jesus was with the disciples on the Road to Emmaus "beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded to them in all scriptures the things concerning Himself"

The seed for The Saturday PM was planted in one of the Bible study groups at CITAM valley road, where we had began to study the scriptures chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Slowly but surely The Lord implanted in this small band of people a love and thirst for The Word. We wanted the love of God’s word to spread like fire in Nairobi and beyond, because what joy do you get keeping a good thing to yourself, right? And so was born The SaturdayPM!

As SatPm want to create a community of people with an insatiable thirst for God’s word, an unquenchable love for each other and who are a beacon of light to their cities, professions and the nations; a people who not only Learn the word, but also Love the word and Live the word!

We hope to see Christians across the African continent grounded in Scripture, applying its principles to daily lifeand taking seriously the questions that many, especially the younger generation and skeptics, have about the Christian faith,helping millions more to know the God of the Bible and to make Him known.

We believe that the answers to life`s very real questions can be found in the Bible and for this reason we have an interest in apologetics and hold sessions to respond to the questions that both believers and skeptics  have about the Christian faith and God.

To build a community of people who learn the word, love the word and live the word.

Our Vision

To see (Our) continent with (hundreds of) millions studying the Bible and applying its principles to daily life; helping millions more to know the God of the Bible and to make Him known.

So, come join us every Saturday at 6:00 PM at Dennis White Hall, CITAM Valley Road and let this be your testimony too
"Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked to us by the way and while He opened to us the scriptures"

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Do you have a question about God, Jesus, the Bible, or theology? Do you have any doubts about the Christian faith or the Bible? Do you need help understanding a Bible verse or passage? Are there any spiritual issues in your life for which you need advice or counsel?

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