
Written by On Wednesday, 29 June 2016 15:55

A few years back my sister and I were involved in a near miss.  It was over the Christmas season and we were headed home for the festivities. As soon as we got over the price haggling stage, and we got our highly negotiated seats we sat back hoping for a peaceful non eventful journey.

The driver looked reasonable; you know, assuming we developed an urge to stop at the Sagana Bridge to take selfies he looked like he would oblige and pull over so that ‘the girls could take their selfies’. Also he looked like he would have gracefully waved us away if we asked him to join us for the selfies whilst saying ‘Aaah I have had more than enough photos taken’ girls please leave me out of this one’ Hehe

But there was a bit of a plot twist exactly after Muthagia police station as we found ourselves (the passengers) embroiled in an argument with the driver. See, he desired to be ministered to by this reggae mix tape on the journey to Meru. While on the other hand we didn’t care for it. The driver obviously had his way and we ended up learning Jamaican along with him albeit under duress.

The music was played a few decibels higher than normal so we kept conversations amongst ourselves to the bare minimum; communicating with our pouts and gestures until we got to Mwea and this other vehicle almost hit us. It’s like the driver had an epiphany for he quickly switched to gospel music, after the incident Hehe.

 Next to us sat this gentleman who had been sleeping all along, after the accident, he turned to us and let us know; ‘mimi huombea watu hadi wanaokoka’, (I pray for people till they are born again) we politely looked away and he enjoined himself onto the gospel mixtapes as a background vocalist till we got to our destination.

The other day we had an accident, this other vehicle shoved our vehicle off the road. And somehow I couldn’t help but think of that first time, the scare, the terror. Inevitably I also wanted to draw deep life lessons like say, after an incident turn to fellow passengers and announce that I pray for people till they get saved, Hehe.

The other lesson that comes to mind is that of God as a good shepherd as the psalmist refers to him in Psalms 23. One who carries me when am broken or sick and can’t walk with the rest of the flock. One who knows I need nourishment to get better so he walks me to the green pastures, and walks me to drink along the cool waters and holds me not to drown in the waters seeing as i am broken.

A shepherd who knows my name and calls me by it. A name he has engraved on his palm. A shepherd who tells me that since he planted the ear he can hear me and seeing as he planted the eye he can see me. A shepherd who tells me in his sight I am precious and with honour a shepherd who expressly tells me he loves me and for that love he is willing to give people in exchange of I and nations in exchange for my life.

When am in trouble or wounded the one image that comes to mind of God our good shepherd is that of a Maasai carrying  a kid across the road. He possibly has it slung across his shoulders, holding its legs and the kid is at peace.He stands by the side with the kid as traffic flows and only crosses when it’s safe, on his shoulders the kid cannot come to further harm after all it’s with one who never thinks about loving it he just does.


In the desert, the Lord God provided the Israelites with manna and quail with the clear instruction to only take a day’s provision; for he was going to fill their need even on the next day. Those who disobeyed and took extra saw maggots grow on it and it rot away.

This is because the Lord wanted for the Israelites to have a close intimate relationship of trust in God their provider. So they would know to trust him with their daily provisions, to trust and know he is a faithful God who watches over his word to perform it.

They had to have a daily walk of faith and trust in God for their daily provision. Which is what we are daily called to.

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