
Written by On Thursday, 13 February 2014 14:25

To the courage-giver, Our fervor,
For when we feared the unseen,
Or when we shook at the foreseen,
And when the fears that are familiar
Came with those we had never seen before,
Then did your mighty courage pour into our hearts

To the Life-giver, Our servitude,
For when we ailed and suffered illness
When our pains were unrestrained,
And our wounds took no salve
When sickness threatened to end our being
Then did your life fill us, brim-full and overflowing

To the Pardon-giver, Our surrender,
For when we stubbornly rebelled,
And slipped into the pits of our shame,
When we couldn't get up out of our failure,
And strength to fight was lost to our wills,
Then did your righteousness cover us as though our own.

To the Peace-giver, Our devotion
For when the seas stormed and raged,
And our minds were the battlefields of our wills
When uncertainty with confusion took root in our hearts
As each day wore us down with unprecedented troubles
Then did your comfort, like the morning dew, settle on our souls

To the guidance-giver, Our reason

For when we zigged when we should have zagged,

When we ignored wisdom and chose futility,
And exchanged common sense for absurdities,
Though we flirted with terrible and moronic danger,
Then did your precepts and your edicts show us where we should go

To the Purpose-giver, Our resolve
For when we wandered in self-guided self-indulgence
And we stumbled in self-satisfied self-absorption
As we struggled through the complexities of self-fulfillment
And in procrastination we ambled to our self-annihilation
Then did your instruction set us for service in determination

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