As I take each breathe as I count each second
Where are you?
Are you in-different to my pain?
Ears closed to by desperate pleas?
Do you hear?
Do you care?
I know the number of stars in the sky
The number of hairs on your head
Your name is written on the palm of my hand
I know the plans I have for you
Plans to prosper you not harm you
I hear you whisper and I sniffle
But am still here
Here in this place
This place that seems broken
And I want you to move
To move me now
Or to tell me when
To give me an assurance
That I will not be here forever
That after a finite period of time
You will come
And we will go
I am here
I will never leave you nor forsake you
Cast your burdens upon me
For I care for you
Be strong take heart
Trust in me with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding
In all your ways acknowledge me
And I will make your path straight
When Lord, How Lord?
Now Lord?
When will you make my paths straight?
I will make your path straight
Keep your mind on things above
I will keep you in perfect peace
Just keep your mind stayed on me
Help me Lord
Help me see you Lord
Be here Lord