You know how you visit a friend and they make a huge fuss about your visit? They bear hug you and (or) offer you firm handshakes with their eyes locked into yours. They summon their kids to come say hi to auntie/uncle. Then they offer you tea and possibly mandazi whilstletting you take their favorite spot on the couch. After which they settle across you, chins held in anticipation and their legs politely crossed pointing yours.
They listen to your stories with keen interest only interrupting you with burst of laughter here and there. Your stories could be bland, yet your guest laugh like they are at comedy central, well that is positive reinforcement.
Your friends are sending you a coded message that they like it when you visit. In addition, they don't mind preparing you food and drink. Heck they even like your long winding tales of your days away.
We like friends like these don't we?
Well is such kind of a friend.
When you attend the service, you will be saluted with firm handshakes at the entrance by commissionaires; ushers who have mastered the art of smiling warmly even when Nairobi weather is having a mood.
They may not ask for a story, but they will let you take a seat of your choice.
Together they will ask that you listen to the greatest love story (ies) from the Bible.
This friend will even offer tea and mandazi to go with the stories.
By these gestures you are being reinforced positively to come back or to invite a friend.
So come one come all to the Saturday pm bible expositions at Citam valley road.
The service is on every Saturday from 6Pm- 8PM