Juliet Odhiambo

Juliet Odhiambo

Paul talking to the Corinthians, in a typical no-nonsense fashion gives us the impression that our walk of faith ought to be characterized by a continuing and increasing capacity. That is to mean that believers are expected to be growing in faith; from one level to another. Paul wrote that the Corinthians were still babies in their faith and had to be fed milk and not solid food. How did they demonstrate their infancy? By the fact that that they were still worldly in their dealings. He mentions jealousy and dissension as a show of worldliness. So this got me thinking, who is to say whether one has matured in faith or not? I did a bit of research and will talk about top three signs of maturity, by no means is this an exhaustive list, but what I found them to be true in my own walk with God.

Here we go.

Read your bible, pray everyday. We sang this song every week at Sunday school and that exhortation was not just for us little kids. Every new believer receives these instructions from day one of giving their hearts to the lord. Even if you have been in the faith many years, this still remains true in order to experience growth in our faith and knowledge God.
John 3:16 tells us that Jesus Christ gave up his life so that believers may attain eternal life. What is this eternal life though? For a long time I was looking forward to chilling in heaven in joy and happiness, drinking smoothies and hanging out with my friends, you know….typical eternity stuff :-). That was until I came across John 17:3 that defines eternal life.
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
Monday, 12 February 2018 09:42

Date a guy who prays

I know people who respond to Valentine’s Day with a gag or by burying their heads in the sand and coming out of hiding after three days. Don’t fret my friend, this could be the year that God leads you to that special person. This post together with what you’re going to read down here might be God’s way of helping you identify the wheat from the chaff…so to speak. By now I want to assume that we know not to be unequally yoked but more than that we need to look for partners who have an intimate walk with God. Ladies, you might want to find a guy that prays. Here’s why

Thursday, 18 January 2018 11:38

Here is the secret to your success this year

For many of us, the new year comes with an opportunity to regroup, refocus, re-strategize and rewrite our personal and professional goals. We have high expectations for what we would like to see and accomplish this year and they (expectations) sometimes get thwarted when we fail to meet them. If only we could be sure that everything we set out to do will be met by 100% success. These are the thoughts that led to me to one bible character that set out to accomplish a goal and was successful at every instance.

Lean in a little and let me show you what you need to experience good success this 2018.

Wednesday, 26 July 2017 04:21

Hear O Kenya! This is what the Lord says.

I started studying the book of Jeremiah because I was convinced that it would help my heart reconnect back to the heart of God to a level I have not been in for a while. I was convinced that my worldview was being steered away at a slow rate to the things that God would not be pleased with. I wanted my heart to ache for what ached God’s heart, to hate what He hates and love what He loves. Jeremiah happens to be writing to a people who had lost God somehow; who were different from the people that God had called, they did not know him, and they did not know his laws; they only had this temple that represented an idea of a god whom they did not quite understand. They had equaled Him to other gods and through Jeremiah, God allows us to see His vulnerability at the neglect of his people, he lets us see His pain and his anger; this is what I was going for when I started reading Jeremiah.

Monday, 29 May 2017 04:15

Shall we look for another?

The past couple of months I have been grappling with how to handle my disappointment with God. Many atheists talk about getting to the place of unbelief because a certain expectation of God did not pan out exactly how they thought it should have. Our nature as human beings is that we often experience that failure of faith and failure of spirit; our fallibility causes us to ask the kind of question that John the Baptist asked when he was at his weakest point, when his expectations of the messiah were not being met, a time when he was disappointed with God.
Sunday, 26 February 2017 06:46

Miss Perfect takes a bow

Perfection is a trait that has always fascinated me. I was thinking about it the other day after a conversation with some friends about how we are propelled by the fear of disappointing the people who expect something from us. I am probably not the only one either; talk to any HR person who does talent acquisition and you will hear that in job interviews the most common answer to the question ‘’what is your weakness?’’ is the fact that people seem to think they are perfectionists. I know there're guys who say it because it seems to be the ‘’most appropriate’’ response to land the job; but, what about those that struggle with this need to be perfect?


Take me for example… :-) 

I was in a matatu the other day on my way home when Michael Bolton’s song Soul Provider came up. It’s a pretty old song and to be quite honest it was not the first I was hearing it but it was the first time that I paid attention to the lyrics. Maybe it was the fact that I was so close to the hair raising speakers or the fact that I was seated in the middle seat right behind the driver (isn’t that the most uncomfortable seat though?)

Monday, 15 August 2016 10:36

Rock Solid: The testing of our Faith

The dust is yet to settle on her grave, the memories are yet to fade and my relationship with God has seen better days. That last bit is the most disturbing because you see; I have always prided myself in having rock solid faith in God; not so much in what He is able to do (which I know is much) but in his existence and His person, the kind that weathers the storm and rises above it, unmovable and unshakeable. The past couple of months though, have stretched my faith to limits it has never wandered to before; I found myself asking God questions that in the past I considered an abomination. Uncharted waters they are but there’s comfort in knowing that He has been here before with many, men and women of old as well as those of this day and age, for that reason I must believe that this too shall pass, and there’s something beautiful at the end of this tunnel.

Friday, 29 April 2016 15:22

God Loves The Atheist.

The Atheists in Kenya are having a party dubbed without God. It’s a celebration; a celebration of acknowledgment. You have probably seen the flyer making rounds on social media. It’s usually followed by gasps of disbelief and despair. It’s almost as if the world is coming to an end. Which is true if you think about it; first it was Project X and now this, not to mention all the other stories that we are fed everyday in the media...it can definitely leave you with a sense of hopelessness; wondering what has become of our beloved country. The founding fathers who penned the national anthem must be squirming in their graves. I mean, who are we asking to bless our nation if He does not exist?

Wednesday, 20 April 2016 15:36

Conversation with the Rabbi (Part 1)


The evening light came from the overbearing moon and illuminated his way; he walked hurriedly as he held up his robe around his waist. His sandals made a tapping sound on the ground completely refusing to cooperate with his plans to be incognito. He didn't want any one to know where he was going, and he was rather pleased with how he’d managed to sneak out without his wife's notice.

Sunday, 31 January 2016 20:03

Date a girl who prays

I started the year by watching the movie ‘War room’ with some good friends from my bible study [Shout out #TeamWarRoom!] I know it was a couple of months later than most Nairobians, but it happened to be God’s perfect timing as it intuitively set the pace for what was to be the focal point for 2016-my prayer life.

As the ‘’season of love’’ approaches, I was musing over what prayer and Valentine’s Day have in common and I was inspired by this old post that I had read a couple of years back to jot this down:


Monday, 04 January 2016 12:54

#2016 Great Expectations

"Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations."

- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations


Pip is the protagonist in Charles Dickens classic novel Great Expectations. The story goes that young orphaned Pip dreams of becoming a proper English gentleman to win the heart of Estella-his romantic interest but the task is almost an impossibility owing to his very humble background.


Friday, 05 June 2015 13:16


Her strength caught him off-guard when she grabbed his left arm and pulled him towards herself. He was now just inches away from her and the scent from her perfume stung his eyes; he had never been this close to her before despite the fact that she had recently been making outrageous demands of him. His throat went wild with fire and his heart beat faster than the Egyptian ceremonial drums, he could not speak.

Wednesday, 21 January 2015 10:58

The Substance of things hoped for

Nothing says New Year like a list of ten or so resolutions for the coming twelve months. Or how is it the Christians put it? Those things that you're 'trusting' God for. Your big dreams for the year, those goals that you'd like to have accomplished...do you have yours? All set, listed and maybe even crossed off some already . Or you're like me, had your list last year which amounted to naught, so you gave up on the whole idea. Yes, that was me in December, holding my breath so tight 'believing' that something could still happen to turn things around to my favor. Needless to say by 25th December I had resigned myself to the obvious...it wasn't going to happen in 2014. As I prayed, asking God what the deal was, the answer came to me in a very simple way; just a sentence from God.

Saturday, 04 October 2014 13:22

Sons of God

1 John 3:1a Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God:

I have been mulling over this scripture for a couple of months now, actually much longer to be quite honest. I don’t know if you are like me, but once in a while i read some scriptures that really take a while to sink in because they are sooo ‘deep’ and ‘powerful’.

What’s up with that by the way? What is it that makes one word ‘powerful’ and another not? That phrase irkes me alot these days.. any way...I digress.

Friday, 20 June 2014 13:32


Nathanael: a true Israelite. That’s what Yeshua had called him, a man without an ounce of deception. These were the first words that he had heard from this man that had come to mean so much to him. He still remembered that hot afternoon just as if it was yesterday, his friend Philip had come running looking for him claiming to have found the Messiah. At first he didn’t believe him, he thought it was one of those tricks they had played on each other before. But when he met the Rabbi that afternoon, he knew He was different. He had known then that Yeshua was the Son of God or the son of a god at the very least; and he had believed him and not just because Yeshua had seen him in a vision sitting under the tree where he had been shading from the scorching sun. He looked into Yeshua’s eyes that afternoon and he knew, he just knew. He had never been able to explain it beyond that.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014 12:11

Did not our hearts burn?

Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 24:32

Spoken by one of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, the two had had an encounter with Jesus himself right after the resurrection. Jesus walked with them on the road and showed them how everything written in the Laws of Moses, the prophets and the psalms were about him. This must have been an exposition message and a half; to be able to understand how Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection were a fulfillment of the Old Testament teachings. You almost wish that they would have recorded in writing this conversation that caused their hearts to burn.

Monday, 12 May 2014 13:46

Noah the movie: Three truths!

When I saw the trailer I was instantly hooked, I started counting down to the Kenya premier. It wasn’t long before the internet was flooded with  everything that was wrong with it; from its flawed theology to the outright lack of creativity. In fact one blogger simply said.

‘’ Don’t bother watching it, it’s a complete waste of money!’’

Monday, 03 March 2014 14:41

I have a testimony!

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

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