Blessings Redefined

Written by On Thursday, 12th September 2013

The evening of Saturday the 7th of September saw us go through the Beatitudes with Pastor Calisto at Saturday PM. I first heard the word beatitudes in a CRE class when I was in primary school; I remember being specifically intrigued by the word. I have heard it preached and discussed several times after that. However, true to itself the word of God is living and active and as I listened to Pastor Calisto new thoughts began to form in my head, almost as if I was hearing about the beatitudes for the first time. Hold that thought.


Written by On Tuesday, 10th September 2013

It will be great when we are dead.

That's what people think the Christian faith is about. Especially those of us who have never really experienced God in their lives. They think that it's "Pie in the sky after you die".

People feel that to be a Christian is to miss out on all the fun and be tied down to a poor, boring life full of restrictions.

But that's not what our faith is like. See, your life is better when God is in it. In every single way, you will succeed more in your life if you follow Christ.


Written by On Tuesday, 3rd September 2013

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry ...." Matt. 6:25ff

It is interesting that when u worry you cease to work effectively; in effect, worry tops your mental activities and in a way becomes your top priority. And as you continue to entertain worry in ua mind, you find uaself wasting alot of ua productive time, and eventually u realize that you havent gained anything by so worrying (Cf. verse 27)

Do not let worry to become ua priority. Cast out fear with faith, worry with work. Our Lord Jesus Christ desires that we live a sound minded and productive life that is dominated not by anxiety and worry, but with fervency for work.

Let us therefore like Him say, "My Father works, and so do I" John 5:17


Written by On Tuesday, 3rd September 2013

2 SAMUEL 15, 16…

When we sin, it becomes our Father’s business to administer the most effective chastisement in order to restore us into a relationship with Him. Inasmuch as we are converted as Christians, but not entirely. Sin resides in us, and it is not a wonder to see the holiest and mightiest Christian, like David, falling into a sin that will make observes to shiver. Yet, inasmuch as God forgives our sins when we confess and repent as David did, in order to prove to us that He does not by His grace and forgiveness license us to sin, He employs the most painful and deterrent measures to ensure that we suffer the consequences of our sins, to the intent that we do desire to sin no more.

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