#2016 Great Expectations

Written by On Monday, 4th January 2016

"Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations."

- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations


Pip is the protagonist in Charles Dickens classic novel Great Expectations. The story goes that young orphaned Pip dreams of becoming a proper English gentleman to win the heart of Estella-his romantic interest but the task is almost an impossibility owing to his very humble background.



Written by On Friday, 5th June 2015

Her strength caught him off-guard when she grabbed his left arm and pulled him towards herself. He was now just inches away from her and the scent from her perfume stung his eyes; he had never been this close to her before despite the fact that she had recently been making outrageous demands of him. His throat went wild with fire and his heart beat faster than the Egyptian ceremonial drums, he could not speak.

The Substance of things hoped for

Written by On Wednesday, 21st January 2015

Nothing says New Year like a list of ten or so resolutions for the coming twelve months. Or how is it the Christians put it? Those things that you're 'trusting' God for. Your big dreams for the year, those goals that you'd like to have accomplished...do you have yours? All set, listed and maybe even crossed off some already . Or you're like me, had your list last year which amounted to naught, so you gave up on the whole idea. Yes, that was me in December, holding my breath so tight 'believing' that something could still happen to turn things around to my favor. Needless to say by 25th December I had resigned myself to the obvious...it wasn't going to happen in 2014. As I prayed, asking God what the deal was, the answer came to me in a very simple way; just a sentence from God.

Sons of God

Written by On Saturday, 4th October 2014

1 John 3:1a Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God:

I have been mulling over this scripture for a couple of months now, actually much longer to be quite honest. I don’t know if you are like me, but once in a while i read some scriptures that really take a while to sink in because they are sooo ‘deep’ and ‘powerful’.

What’s up with that by the way? What is it that makes one word ‘powerful’ and another not? That phrase irkes me alot these days.. any way...I digress.

3 Things That Are True About God.

Written by On Tuesday, 1st July 2014

I feel so fortunate to have the knowledge of God available to me. Our God is a pleasure to know. He is just wonderful. 


You know, I know God is there every time I meet someone and they describe him to me just the same way I know him. There are often so many descriptions of God that it at times seems that he really has no personality but when you meet someone and they describe the same God you know, then you know it's true. 

Here are a few things we know about our God. These are things we often forget and it is to our peril. 

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