
Written by On Monday, 30th July 2018

You have possibly heard of the idiom ‘hindsight is 20/20’. Which means, looking back things that were not obvious from the onset now seem obvious; you are able to evaluate past choices more clearly than at the time of the choice. Now as a grown up i understand why my little niece gets a beating each time she flatly refuses to eat. In her little princess world eating is one of those menial chores that never seem to appear on her agenda, for she is busy tending to her kingdom; attending tea parties, donning royal gowns,  generally daunted by the huge task of daily giving her subjects an ideal to aspire to hehe. (Oh, sidebar have you guys watched the crown? Such a cool series!)  Anyways, so when her mum reminds her of this menial chore with the mighty red slipper(s) it all makes sense to me. Little princess usually obeys and chows down her meal just to keep the red slipper at bay, which makes sense because she  doesn’t have the luxury of hindsight like I do. One day when she’s all grown up she will look at some kid and wonder why they would refuse a meal.

The Love of My Life

Written by On Tuesday, 3rd July 2018

We met when I was only thirteen. I know what you're thinking... I was too young, barely old enough to know what love is. You're partly right, I followed Him because everyone important around me was doing it. But the older I grew, the more I discovered about Him and the more He captured my heart. I was fascinated by who He was, the things He had done and all I wanted to do was hang around him.

Day and night I thought about Him.

We even had our own secret language... He taught me so we could use it when we were together. I know it sounds corny but you know how it is...nobody knew me better than He did 

Our relationship grew, I was smitten… whipped if you like-that's what you kids call it these days, isn't it?

It was beautiful.

Paul talking to the Corinthians, in a typical no-nonsense fashion gives us the impression that our walk of faith ought to be characterized by a continuing and increasing capacity. That is to mean that believers are expected to be growing in faith; from one level to another. Paul wrote that the Corinthians were still babies in their faith and had to be fed milk and not solid food. How did they demonstrate their infancy? By the fact that that they were still worldly in their dealings. He mentions jealousy and dissension as a show of worldliness. So this got me thinking, who is to say whether one has matured in faith or not? I did a bit of research and will talk about top three signs of maturity, by no means is this an exhaustive list, but what I found them to be true in my own walk with God.

Here we go.

Read your bible, pray everyday. We sang this song every week at Sunday school and that exhortation was not just for us little kids. Every new believer receives these instructions from day one of giving their hearts to the lord. Even if you have been in the faith many years, this still remains true in order to experience growth in our faith and knowledge God.
John 3:16 tells us that Jesus Christ gave up his life so that believers may attain eternal life. What is this eternal life though? For a long time I was looking forward to chilling in heaven in joy and happiness, drinking smoothies and hanging out with my friends, you know….typical eternity stuff :-). That was until I came across John 17:3 that defines eternal life.
Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

To love God.

Written by On Tuesday, 13th February 2018

In high school on each Valentine’s Day we presented flowers to our teachers. The proper phrase for the routine would be ‘gave flowers’ rather than ‘presented flowers’. Present sounds real elaborate; music, candles, deep red rose, the works hehe. So the act of giving flowers involved collecting a few blooms of the bougainvillea flower, tying it with a string and storing it in undisclosed location. As soon as the teacher was spotted leaving the staffroom one gallant girl would place the bouquet on the teacher’s desk. The rest of the students would sit back in anticipation of the teacher’s reaction to the bouquet.

Most female teachers walked in smiled at the sight of the flowers and expressed gratitude. A few male teachers handed the flowers blue ticks and then proceeded with the lesson hehe. The more serious teachers took a few minutes off the lesson and gave us a talk on the ‘dangers of not studying hard’, or better still a talk on the general hardships of life hehe. This would not stop us the next year because let’s be honest we all need some love.

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