The river in this picture passes through my village. It’s calledIraru which is in South Imenti in Meru County. My village and the river are as picturesque as they appear in the image Hehe. The river is not on google maps yet, but for a small fee we could get you a tour guide in case you are interested in a visit.
Each time I go home, I make a point to go sit by the river. Well, the truth is nostalgia takes me to the river’s banks. Usually I sit on one of the rocks and gaze at the water for hours on end. In these hours I think of all the adventure I would have had, had i been a little girl. The adventures include but are not limited to; dragging a banana stem from the nearby farm to one end of the river to form a deep end, locating a safe haven for my back pack from school. Finally locating a high point from where I can jump from to land into the child-made deep end, hehe. Good times.
I know people who respond to Valentine’s Day with a gag or by burying their heads in the sand and coming out of hiding after three days. Don’t fret my friend, this could be the year that God leads you to that special person. This post together with what you’re going to read down here might be God’s way of helping you identify the wheat from the chaff…so to speak. By now I want to assume that we know not to be unequally yoked but more than that we need to look for partners who have an intimate walk with God. Ladies, you might want to find a guy that prays. Here’s why
For many of us, the new year comes with an opportunity to regroup, refocus, re-strategize and rewrite our personal and professional goals. We have high expectations for what we would like to see and accomplish this year and they (expectations) sometimes get thwarted when we fail to meet them. If only we could be sure that everything we set out to do will be met by 100% success. These are the thoughts that led to me to one bible character that set out to accomplish a goal and was successful at every instance.
Lean in a little and let me show you what you need to experience good success this 2018.
I started studying the book of Jeremiah because I was convinced that it would help my heart reconnect back to the heart of God to a level I have not been in for a while. I was convinced that my worldview was being steered away at a slow rate to the things that God would not be pleased with. I wanted my heart to ache for what ached God’s heart, to hate what He hates and love what He loves. Jeremiah happens to be writing to a people who had lost God somehow; who were different from the people that God had called, they did not know him, and they did not know his laws; they only had this temple that represented an idea of a god whom they did not quite understand. They had equaled Him to other gods and through Jeremiah, God allows us to see His vulnerability at the neglect of his people, he lets us see His pain and his anger; this is what I was going for when I started reading Jeremiah.
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