The evening light came from the overbearing moon and illuminated his way; he walked hurriedly as he held up his robe around his waist. His sandals made a tapping sound on the ground completely refusing to cooperate with his plans to be incognito. He didn't want any one to know where he was going, and he was rather pleased with how he’d managed to sneak out without his wife's notice.
I started the year by watching the movie ‘War room’ with some good friends from my bible study [Shout out #TeamWarRoom!] I know it was a couple of months later than most Nairobians, but it happened to be God’s perfect timing as it intuitively set the pace for what was to be the focal point for 2016-my prayer life.
As the ‘’season of love’’ approaches, I was musing over what prayer and Valentine’s Day have in common and I was inspired by this old post that I had read a couple of years back to jot this down:
"Now, I return to this young fellow. And the communication I have got to make is, that he has great expectations."
- Charles Dickens, Great Expectations
Pip is the protagonist in Charles Dickens classic novel Great Expectations. The story goes that young orphaned Pip dreams of becoming a proper English gentleman to win the heart of Estella-his romantic interest but the task is almost an impossibility owing to his very humble background.
Her strength caught him off-guard when she grabbed his left arm and pulled him towards herself. He was now just inches away from her and the scent from her perfume stung his eyes; he had never been this close to her before despite the fact that she had recently been making outrageous demands of him. His throat went wild with fire and his heart beat faster than the Egyptian ceremonial drums, he could not speak.
Nothing says New Year like a list of ten or so resolutions for the coming twelve months. Or how is it the Christians put it? Those things that you're 'trusting' God for. Your big dreams for the year, those goals that you'd like to have you have yours? All set, listed and maybe even crossed off some already . Or you're like me, had your list last year which amounted to naught, so you gave up on the whole idea. Yes, that was me in December, holding my breath so tight 'believing' that something could still happen to turn things around to my favor. Needless to say by 25th December I had resigned myself to the wasn't going to happen in 2014. As I prayed, asking God what the deal was, the answer came to me in a very simple way; just a sentence from God.
1 John 3:1a Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God:
I have been mulling over this scripture for a couple of months now, actually much longer to be quite honest. I don’t know if you are like me, but once in a while i read some scriptures that really take a while to sink in because they are sooo ‘deep’ and ‘powerful’.
What’s up with that by the way? What is it that makes one word ‘powerful’ and another not? That phrase irkes me alot these days.. any way...I digress.
Nathanael: a true Israelite. That’s what Yeshua had called him, a man without an ounce of deception. These were the first words that he had heard from this man that had come to mean so much to him. He still remembered that hot afternoon just as if it was yesterday, his friend Philip had come running looking for him claiming to have found the Messiah. At first he didn’t believe him, he thought it was one of those tricks they had played on each other before. But when he met the Rabbi that afternoon, he knew He was different. He had known then that Yeshua was the Son of God or the son of a god at the very least; and he had believed him and not just because Yeshua had seen him in a vision sitting under the tree where he had been shading from the scorching sun. He looked into Yeshua’s eyes that afternoon and he knew, he just knew. He had never been able to explain it beyond that.
Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the scriptures? Luke 24:32
Spoken by one of the two disciples on the way to Emmaus, the two had had an encounter with Jesus himself right after the resurrection. Jesus walked with them on the road and showed them how everything written in the Laws of Moses, the prophets and the psalms were about him. This must have been an exposition message and a half; to be able to understand how Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection were a fulfillment of the Old Testament teachings. You almost wish that they would have recorded in writing this conversation that caused their hearts to burn.
When I saw the trailer I was instantly hooked, I started counting down to the Kenya premier. It wasn’t long before the internet was flooded with everything that was wrong with it; from its flawed theology to the outright lack of creativity. In fact one blogger simply said.
‘’ Don’t bother watching it, it’s a complete waste of money!’’
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
I just read about this book God’s Ghost busters that proves to be a rather fascinating read. One of the book reviewers had this to say;
This book gives answers to the questions many Christians may have about vampires, ghosts, aliens, werewolves and creatures of the night. These subjects are examined from a biblical standpoint. It helps the reader to understand that there are forces at work in the world that are just beyond our ability to comprehend and at times to understand. We are engaged in the war of light verses darkness. The book also makes you wonder about things that go "bump in the night". And another said:
In certain circles I have been accused of having an ‘unhealthy’ appreciation for the character of David. David the King, David the underdog come national hero, David the one whom the bible describes as ruggedly handsome, David who played music that made demons run, David who wrote the psalms, David the warrior and most importantly...David...the man after God’s on get the drift right? He’s awesome!I love him! But because I want to show that I am very much open I am going to write about the other guy that I like.
As I write this it’s new year’s eve, a couple of hours to midnight. I am not at some concert pulling an all -nighter, neither am I in church praying my way into the New Year. I am home alone seated on my bed. Me, my laptop and my thoughts; I cannot imagine what better thing to do than write. As many are doing this time of the year, I have spent quite some time putting the outgoing and incoming year in perspective. My goals, my plans my prayers; I have had some pretty low lows but nothing close to what my 2012 looked like.
Today our muse is by a guest at the The Saturday PM website. Itunu is a cyber (read facebook) friend of mine who allowed me to re post his thoughts that originally appeared on his Facebook notes.
I am especially grateful that he allowed me to do this even after i had confessed how i worked my cyber stalking skills on him. (trust me, its not as creepy as it appears to sound).
Enough about me: have a read and enjoy.
First of all, let me just start by stating that;
There is no way to get to Ngong via Mombasa road or is there?
I must admit, at the first mention of a Saturday evening service I was not one of those to be particularly excited about the idea, and so on this particular evening/night as we had this planning meeting for our bible study, I was among those who kept pushing it to be the last item on the agenda almost willing the idea to disappear into oblivion. It was a huge deal, a big idea and not to be taken lightly. However, like any good idea it didn’t just disappear it was seen to fruition and I am glad I didn’t stop it from happening. It has been a year-I think since that meeting and with a couple of months of the service under our belt I took some time to jot down what I enjoy most about The Saturday PM.
This past weekend I got a chance to participate in a half marathon for the first time. Yikes! The important thing is that I crossed the finish line…more like crawled past the finish line and heaved a sigh of relief. I have decided that you only need to run a marathon once for you to become an expert. With the expertise that I gathered, I put down a list of my top five must do’s to make your marathon run a complete ‘success’.
He moved to the city from the sticks and came to live with us. I was just a child then and my memories of him are sketchy...he was really skinny and really tall with really long fingers. He was funny too and he made our home lively and warm but one day he just disappeared.
The hand that holds the hammer breaks my heart. It causes me to cry and weep. It shatters my world into tiny little pieces. My dreams it makes insignificant, my pursuits it discards.
Is there a conspiracy to throw me to the dogs?
It frustrates my plans; my ambition brings to naught.
The hammer is uncomfortable, heck the hammer is painful.
I cannot see beyond this pain. I cannot see what the hand that holds the hammer sees.
The hand that holds the hammer belongs to the one who holds the world - He holds my world. He is;
The alpha
The omega
The beginning
The end
Eliyah had been taught to always love Yahweh all his life, he didn’t know any other way to live. His father had told him it was written in the books that he was to become a great rabbi. He never fought it, he didn’t know how. He wasn’t very good at tending his fathers’ sheep anyways, never could go a day without losing one. His brother Caleb was much better at that. So it went without saying that even though they were both taught the Torah by Rabbi Moshe, he -Eliyah was going to be the one to carry on his grandfathers’ legacy. He didn’t particularly like the idea, but he didn’t mind it either, at least he had a path of life to follow. Not many could say that.
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